This is not your practice blog 



Blogroll absent

Stuff + nonsense. Updated daily. So far. Pretty much. Overwrought by Scott Knaster. Got comments? Send me mail.


Thursday, October 30, 2003

Moving out

This blog is on the move to I realize this fractures my already-scant readership, but it's time to go. See you over there.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Joe Shmo Show ends

Joe Schmo, basically what would happen if Truman Burbank went on a reality show, finished last night when the lead character found out what was going on. It was fun.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Weight & eating blog

There's a bunch of fresh posts in my new blog about weight and eating. Joe Bob says check 'em out. Plus, I'm trying TypePad. It's cool! It has comments built-in! They seem to actually work, so leave a comment!

NFL game for free

The terrible wildfires in San Diego forced the NFL to move its Monday night game to Tempe, Arizona at the last minute. This led to some interesting stories.

Andy Griffith statue

There's going to be a statue of Andy Griffith and Ron Howard (actually, Sheriff Andy and Opie) in Raleigh, North Carolina. As Gomer might say, "Goll-ee!".

Monday, October 27, 2003

Eating and weight

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I'm spending time right now on a writing project about my experiences with gaining and losing weight. I started a blog here for posts and links about that.

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