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Blogroll absent

Stuff + nonsense. Updated daily. So far. Pretty much. Overwrought by Scott Knaster. Got comments? Send me mail.


Thursday, July 31, 2003

Nerds take over baseball

I bought Moneyball on a whim at San Francisco airport and I was hooked on it until I finished it. A great read, highly recommended. The book details how the Oakland A's management, led by GM Billy Beane, outsmarts richer teams. At the very least, it's proof of the absurdity of Bud Selig's "small-market" baloney. As a Giants fan, though, I still can't like the A's. ;-)


Well, I unexpectedly find myself in Denver, visiting my mom who is very sick. A trivial side effect of this fact is that my blogging activities will be greatly reduced for some days.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

California, here I am

I'm back home after a lovely two-week vacation in Pennsylvania. Every few years, we pick a state that's filled with history, baseball, and roller coasters, then spend a couple of weeks driving around and seeing stuff. This time I planned to blog the whole trip, but our hotels' Internet access was so lousy and we were so busy, we ended up with a paper log (plog?) instead of a weblog. So watch for little bits of the vacation to appear here in the coming days -- sort of a TiVo-delayed weblog.

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