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Stuff + nonsense. Updated daily. So far. Pretty much. Overwrought by Scott Knaster. Got comments? Send me mail.


Saturday, July 05, 2003

Radiohead on DirecTV

DirecTV is showing a Radiohead concert on channel 103 (that's in the pay-channel range, but this is one of their "freeview" concerts). It's flashing lights, small club, high energy -- looks pretty cool. It also includes (kinda tedious) interviews about the new CD, Hail to the Thief.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Hacking a telemarketer

It's a lot of trouble to go to, but it was effective.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Quixotic dreams

Two adjacent stories in today's San Francisco Chronicle tell about big longshot ideas: turning the former U.S. Mint into a museum, and saving San Mateo's Bay Meadows racetrack. Go, dreamers! I hope you succeed!

Hollywood sign

The world-famous Hollywood sign has a web site, just like everybody else. Here are the webcams. You can even send an e-mail -- excuse me, a fan letter -- to the sign. Okey doke.

A Fire Upon The Deep

A recent pair of long airplane rides led me to seek out a long SF book to read in the air. Numerous cow-orkers pointed me at A Fire Upon The Deep by Vernor Vinge. It was a great read, a story of the far future and the collision between various remnants of a human civilization, a hive-mind race of doglike creatures, and a sort of uber-computer-virus that enslaves and destroys. Other fun elements are a race of sentient plantlike creatures that live connected to smart scooters and laws of physics that permit greater speed (faster than light) and computing power as you get farther out from the center of the galaxy. Recommended (and I'll even send my copy to the first person who asks). In a bit of galactic surreality, while reading the book I found myself sitting next to Gordon Garb, who is listed in the book's acknowledgments.

Worst picture ever of Bill Gates

This is the most incredibly unflattering picture of Bill Gates ever. I know he's gained a little weight, but really now.

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