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Stuff + nonsense. Updated daily. So far. Pretty much. Overwrought by Scott Knaster. Got comments? Send me mail.


Friday, June 27, 2003

Hotter than Cuba

So hot in the Bay Area! We usually get one or two of these heat waves every year. After 3 days, the fog comes in and everybody enjoys the cooling relief. My iTunes random playlist commemorated the weather by choosing to play a song by Hot Hot Heat.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Slumber party at Pacific Bell Park

The Giants let fans sleep on the field at the ballpark last night for $300 a head. It's a pretty cool idea, if a bit pricey. They showed Field of Dreams on the Jumbotron, provided bounce houses and pitching machines, and brought in Hall-of-Famer Orlando Cepeda to serve breakfast. The party got off to a stinky start as the Giants lost the final game of their series to the Dodgers. But early reports indicate that nobody slept much and fans had a great time at this unusual event.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

MacHack stops

It turns out that it's only this year's MacHack that was unstoppable. Next year is a leap into the unknown, because the conference is changing names (ADHOC: Advanced Developers Hands-on Conference) and one of its guiding lights, Hack Show producer Scott Boyd, will no longer be involved. However, lots of incredibly capable folks are working hard to ensure the future of the conference, so I'm optimistic. After all, Apple has been going out of business for about 20 years now, and it hasn't gotten there yet, so why should MacHack be any different?

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