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Stuff + nonsense. Updated daily. So far. Pretty much. Overwrought by Scott Knaster. Got comments? Send me mail.


Saturday, May 10, 2003

The Matrix: comedy?

Last night I watched some of The Matrix on FOX TV (commercials -- whoa). I had forgotten some of the really funny stuff in there, such as the sprinklers coming on and drenching the agents during the building assault scene, and the two agents looking at each other, then running away rather than face Neo near the end. Also, I love the funny/ultracool lines, like this:
Neo: Do you know how to fly a helicopter? Trinity: Not yet.
Next week will be fun: watching The Matrix (off DVD, no commercials, thank you) with friends on Wednesday night, then seeing Matrix Reloaded with friends on Thursday. There is no spoon.

Friday, May 09, 2003

Old Man of New Hampshire

The giant rock face that has come to symbolize New Hampshire and is one of its most popular attractions has collapsed into rubble. They're thinking of restoring the thing, but it seems like that would be just wrong. It was made by nature, and nature has taken it back, so let it be. This is very serious business in New Hampshire. Here's what Daniel Webster said about the Old Man:
Men hang out signs indicative of their respective trades; shoe makers hang out a gigantic shoe; watchmakers a monster watch. But up in the mountain of New Hampshire, God Almighty Himself has hung a sign to show that here in New Hampshire, He makes men.
I wonder what John Linnell thinks of this?

Thursday, May 08, 2003

A great mystery solved

I have always been vague on what constitues being a "removed" cousin, as in "first cousin, once removed". Thanks to this site, now I know. So, Marshall, welcome to California: you are my second cousin once removed. (My grandfather and his great-grandmother were brother and sister.)

Speaking of the TiVo...

We have a TiVo, which is actually an UltimateTV, but TiVo is such a better word, and it's much easier to verb. Due to us being insanely busy lately, the TiVo is full to bursting. If we don't watch some shows soon, I think it will start emitting smoke and hollering at us.

Ali G

I heard some of this guy on the radio, and it's hilarious. Looks like it's going to be on one more time, next Sunday, and then not for awhile. Gotta clear some space on the bulging TiVo to record it.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003


I have really bad door karma. I always have trouble with doors. Our house went through three different front doors, and all of them were sticky, or scraped, or squeaked, or had locks that were hard to operate. Last year's remodel moved the location of the door by about 10 feet, and we carefully selected a nice new front door. At first, it swung freely and quietly, but now, it has succumbed to bad door karma: the lock and the door are both getting annoying. Also, we have a window with a sliding mechanism breaks easily. I guess that's probably related. Most of our interior doors are troubled, too. And my car door handles have a habit of coming loose every couple of years or so, eventually coming off in my hand. Maybe in a past life I was really mean to a door, and now the doors are getting even. Or now that I think of it, it could be because I kicked a hole in a closet door during a tantrum I had when I was 8 years old.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

comments, anyone?

I added the ability to leave comments, so let the flaming begin. I had about 14 seconds to do it, so I lucked into a super-easy service called Enetation. I'm going to give them money.


Here are some cool photos of the original Batmobile. When I was about 12 years old I had a Batmobile HO slot car. It was slow and fishtailed like crazy, but it looked great.

Monday, May 05, 2003

Subversive Cheerios

Here at work we have an enormous industrial sized box of Cheerios. Imprinted on the Cheerios box is the following:
The real pleasure is not in doing nothing, but in having lots to do and not doing it.
O what is the world coming to, when even our cherished breakfast cereals espouse the slacker ethic?

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