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Blogroll absent

Stuff + nonsense. Updated daily. So far. Pretty much. Overwrought by Scott Knaster. Got comments? Send me mail.


Friday, April 11, 2003

Music corner

Yesterday while I was working, my iPod decided to play Subdivisions by Rush for me. I hadn't heard that song in awhile, and I really love it. I started rocking out (silently, of course -- we're in close quarters at Danger). When it comes to the Jewish Canadian nerd rock genre, there's nobody better than Rush.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Old catch phrases never die

This is strangely surreal, funny, scary, and moving.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Great debate

If your company provides morning goodies -- bagels, donuts, pastries -- at work one day a week, which is the right day? Monday, to ease the blow of returning to work? Friday, to start that weekend feeling a little early? Or Wednesday, to get over the mid-week hump? I vote for Wednesday, although I try hard to avoid eating this stuff.

It's so P.A.

The Palo Alto city council is considering rules that apparently would ask its members not to use facial expressions or roll their eyes to express disagreement. Reading this story made me shake my head -- OOPS!

Brave Iraqi lawyer

Here is a great account of the Iraqi man who helped the US armed forces rescue prisoner of war Jessica Lynch. For a more surreal and darkly funny view of the war, check out this story about Iraqi minister of information Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, the man who tells reporters daily that there are no Americans in Baghdad.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Those darn programmers

A programmer for Disney's sports teams has resigned after he eBayed the World Series ring the Angels gave out to employees. Smooth move, dude. Kudos to the Angels, though -- I'm not sure I've ever heard of a sports champion giving rings to the mere mortals who work in the office.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Listing to one side

I have about half an hour every day to work on this blog, so I never get time to add the features I really want. When I don't have time to do something fun, I find that the next best thing is to make a list or a plan. Then I can pretend I might actually do it someday. So here's the list of features I want to add or at least check out:
- comments (YACCS) - search (Atomz, Google) - - bloggerbot (AIM) - ISSN - - - footer - use more blogger features - $blog variables - e-mail subscription - blog by mail - current local weather
Ahh, I feel much better now.

Fold, spindle, mutilate

This looks pretty cool: instructions on how to origami an old floppy disk into a model of the Starship Enterprise. I haven't tried it yet myself.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Theater review: "Humpty Dumpty"

Yesterday Barbara and I saw Humpty Dumpty at the San Jose Rep. It's a play by Eric Bogosian about two despicable big-city couples who are vacationing in rural upstate New York when the power (and cell networks) fail. Scary hilarity ensues. It's sort of like Lord of the Flies without the decapitations. The premise is cool and the characters are well-defined, but the script is sloppy, the whole thing runs out of steam in the second act, and the ending is abrupt. As always, the Rep itself shines, with its fabulous building, set, and actors.

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