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Blogroll absent

Stuff + nonsense. Updated daily. So far. Pretty much. Overwrought by Scott Knaster. Got comments? Send me mail.


Thursday, May 29, 2003

Technology vs. umpires

Baseball is messing around with the strike zone by imposing technological masters on home plate umpires. Sounds like it's not working perfectly just yet. Dan Patrick comments about this.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Ruben Rivera's stupid baserunning

Rivera missed second base twice on a play that included 2 errors by Arizona. On the radio, Jon Miller called it "the worst baserunning in the history of the game." See here.

Home openers rock

Minor league baseball is really cool. In some ways, it's even better than the big leagues: cheap seats and food, wacky promotions between innings, and relaxing atmosphere. Even if you don't like baseball, you can have a blast at a minor league game, because most folks are there just for fun and don't get as caught up in whether the home team wins or not. If you live in Silicon Valley, check out the San Jose Giants.

SARS Instant Message smileys

From Boing Boing.

Jacko goes Spidey

I don't usually get into the Michael Jackson frenzy, but this one is just too wacky to pass up. P.S. I've been to Solvang -- it's a big fake.

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